Best Companies in the UK to work for MIM Graduates

Best Companies in the UK to work for MIM Graduates

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Best Companies in the UK to work for MIM Graduates

Newly graduated as MS or MIM are usually offered the title of Management Trainee. Among the degrees that MIM graduates can work to expect achievement, with experience, our Head of Advertising, Head of Development, Head of General Operations, Head of Human Resources, Head of Public Relations, Head of Sales and, Head of Training. The skills acquired as part of a MIM course can help managers emerge in more responsible positions and some even reach the level of being appointed president or chief executive officer.

Furthermore, top companies from various industries such as BCG, Mckinsey. in Consulting, L’Oréal, LVMH, P&G .in Marketing at BNP Paribas, KPMG in Finance prefer MIM graduates because of the multidisciplinary skills they acquire during the course.

In this way, MIM offers intense competition to MBA graduates, as these MIM students are developed to take on roles previously reserved for. MBA students, this way companies can .develop managers who are aligned with their company values ​​and not ha veto bother to train new people for executive jobs.

Google, McKinsey, Unilever, and KPMG are among the largest employers of graduate school MiM, .courses for candidates with little or no work experience. The 16-month program develops students’ core business skills in accounting, strategy, finance, and more.

Starting salaries can range from US$55,000 to US$60,000. After gaining experience, MIM graduates can work as HR Managers, Training Managers, General Operations Managers, Sales Managers, or Business Development Managers. In addition, after gaining significant work experience, they may also work in senior management roles. The starting salaries of the top ten schools range from US$60,000 to US$95,000. In addition, more than 80% of graduates find employment within three months of completing their degree.

Top Companies that recruits only MIM or MS graduates

Employers and candidates in the UK have an abundance of options thanks to the recruiting firms there. Even though there are many jobs in the MS industry for MS graduates , finding perfect matches as per qualifications might be difficult. The likelihood of landing the ideal job is increased with the help of recruiting agencies’ experience and outstanding CVs. Following a master’s degree in the UK, these agencies make sure the individual receives the best pay.  When searching to register with such companies, it is best to choose those with several years of expertise. Here is a list of some of the top individuals in the field:


This agency assists individuals in filling sought-after positions in the IT industry by concentrating on technical positions. They work with specialized experts in each area of the IT sector who find top talent in specialized fields.


Every minute, Hays positions a candidate looking for employment in the UK after earning a MS degree in science. They have been leaders in the world for hiring across a range of sectors and occupations. They engage in both the public and private sectors and offer permanent jobs, short term contracts, and project-based jobs.

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This organisation has improved the lives of job seekers looking for opportunities in numerous UK industries for more than three decades. They specialise in offering infrastructure, processes, and energy industries with employment solutions.

Morgan Hunt

This prestigious and prize- winning  company has always been renowned for the top notch of assistance it offers job seekers in a variety of areas.


The professionals at this organisation collaborate closely with top developers and contractors to deliver engineering talent for multibillion-euro development projects and offer excellent contacts for candidates such as MIM or MS graduates with technical degrees.

Companies in the UK to work for MIM or MS graduates?

There are various online portals and website to execute the the process of job offer. Some well known portals or app are like LinkedIn, Indeed, Hirect and many more. But the companies that assist employee after MS or MIM are :

  • Microsoft
  • PwC
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Meta(Facebook)
  • Deloitte
  • Netflix
  • Accenture
  • Softcat

When employing, these companies can consider some exceptional abilities. They value talent over education, but they typically hire MIM or MS Graduates.  

Salaries according to position for MIM graduates.

Software Engineer 27,000 £
Data Analyst 33,000 £
Pharmacy Manger 38,000 £
Veterinary surgeon 37,000 £
Technical Director 1, 02, 000 £
Data Scientist 41,000 £
Software Developer 30,000 £
Project Manger 60,000 £
Table source: self survey and research from legitimate source.


Google, McKinsey, Unilever, and KPMG are among the largest employers of graduate school MIM, courses for candidates with little or no work experience. The 16-month program develops students’ core business skills in accounting, strategy, finance, and more. More than 80% of MIM graduates find employment within three months of completing their degree.

Job Opportunity in UK after MEM Every minute, Hays positions a candidate looking for employment in the UK after earning a master’s degree in science. Airswift specialises in offering infrastructure, processes, and energy industries with employment solutions.

MIM UK is an agency that assists individuals in filling sought-after positions in the IT industry by concentrating on technical positions. When employing, these companies can consider some exceptional abilities.

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FAQ Time

1. In what field do I get job after doing MIM in UK?

After MIM degree you can work in field of Finance, Management, Product Management and many more field but these are the main field. It can be called the all time best degree to get entry in job-level with bright career and handsome salary for a fresher or MS student.

2. What is the average salary of MIM graduate in UK?

After MIM there are numbers of job in line for masters student that pays really high. As different organisation has different need for the particular job role. On average the salary a MS graduate is paid approx. 35,000£ ( 34,98,607 in Indian Currency).

3. Is GMAT necessary for MIM in UK?

There is no admission in MS without GMAT clearance. So yes GMAT is important to be taken for MIM in UK.

4. What are the ranking of MIN from UK in World wide?

  • London Business School – 2nd
  • Imperial College Business School – 10th
  • London School of Economics – 16th
  • Warwick Business School – 19th
  • Manchester+ University of Manchester – 27th

These are few world wide top ranked colleges and universities for MIM in UK.

Study in UK with ForeignAdmits

At ForeignAdmits, we understand how important this decision is. We are here to help you every step to achieving your dream job in UK. From finding the right school to getting admitted and securing scholarships, you will get everything.

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