Study in Singapore for Indian Students

Study in Singapore for Indian Students

Singapore is a city-state and an island nation made up of not just one but 63 islands. Mainland Singapore is also one of the most densely populated regions in Asia. Further, Singapore is an anglicised version of the name ‘Singapura’, which means the ‘Land of the Lions’.

Singapore has attracted a lot of international students to continue their higher education in this country. Students and working professionals decided to get their degree in Singapore since it is one of the best destinations offering advanced education systems. Besides, it has many good learning institutions providing a variety to choose courses that suit your interests and needs. Above all, its safe city makes the atmosphere in Singapore supports the learning activities of the students. Also, the tuition fee is considerably lower than the education in advanced countries, such as the US, UK and Germany. The study cost in Singapore is cheaper than pursuing education in Australia. All aspects of life in this Asian country are also well-organized.

  • Study in Singapore

Therefore, Singapore is the perfect place for people who want to continue their education with high standards and tuition fees relatively low.

Hence, if you are an Indian student and choose Singapore to pursue your degree, you must meet some general requirements. Therefore, here is a guide for Indian students who wish to study in Singapore.

Study in Singapore after 12th – Best options for Indian students

The education system in Singapore


Universities in Singapore are either private or public campuses or branch campuses of other famous higher education institutions. Furthermore, there are six autonomous universities in Singapore: National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Management University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University of Social Sciences.


Polytechnics provide more industry-oriented programmes which prepare work-ready graduates. Both diploma and degree programmes are offered at polytechnic institutions. Moreover, there are five polytechnics in Singapore: Nanyang Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic.

Institute of Technical Education (ITE)

ITEs provide technical-oriented studies in business, electronics, media and applied sciences. Students studying at ITEs also develop technical skills and knowledge to work in several industries.

Why choose Singapore for education?

Some reasons why students choose Singapore as a study destination are as follows:

  • Firstly, English-taught courses are on offer at most institutes.
  • Also, tuition fees and living expenses are less compared with other countries abroad.
  • Moreover, a lot of scholarship options are available.
  • With many Indians and Sri Lankans living there, Singapore has a strong South-east Asian community. Hence, student life is pretty exciting in Singapore!
  • Above all, the country’s strict law enforcement policy and a stable political environment offer students a lot of safety.
  • Zero tolerance to racism and drugs
  • Some institutions further offer courses in partnership with leading American and Australian institutions.
  • Besides, well-connected to the rest of Asia as Singapore has one of the best airports in the region.
  • Finally, with good academic performance, the chances of securing a job in Singapore are higher.

Study options

Academic intakes vary from institution to institution in Singapore. Institutes like the NUS and NTU have two intake periods, August and January, for postgraduate and undergraduate programmes. However, private institutions like PSB and SIM have intakes every quarter. Nevertheless, the admission cycle changes depending on the admission cycles of various other universities with campuses in Singapore.

Some of the popular courses in Singapore amongst international students include hotel management, MBA, engineering, applied and pure sciences, business, architecture, travel, and tourism.

Masters In Singapore

Estimated Study and Living Costs in Singapore

To study in Singapore, you have to prepare enough funds for living expenses and your study cost in this country. Financial planning before moving to Singapore for higher education is vital for all international students. You have to estimate every possible cost and expense that might occur during your term.

Here are the estimated study costs for some programs you might undertake in Singapore:

Dentistry/Medicine (paid annually)

  • Tuition per year: SGD 83,870
  • Ministry of Education Tuition Grant: SGD 64,600
  • Direct Payment (tuition fee payable): SGD 19,270

Based on non-lab (paid annually)

  • Tuition per year: SGD 20,420 – 21,950
  • Ministry of Education Tuition Grant: SGD 13,700
  • Direct Payment (tuition fee payable): SGD 6,720 – 8,250

Based on Lab (paid annually)

  • Tuition per year: SGD 22,420
  • Ministry of Education Tuition Grant: SGD 15,700
  • Direct Payment (tuition fee payable): SGD 19,270

Music (paid annually)

  • Tuition per year: SGD 40,330
  • Ministry of Education Tuition Grant: SGD 32,000
  • Direct Payment (tuition fee payable): SGD 8,330

Institute of Technical Education (paid annually)

  • Higher Nitec: SGD 2,000
  • Nitec: SGD 1,200

For your living costs and other personal expenses, below is an estimate of your regular expenses:

  • Food: SGD 200 – 450
  • Accommodation: SGD 200 – 1,500
  • Utilities: SGD 50 – 80
  • Books and Stationery: SGD 30 – 100
  • Public transport: SGD 40- 100
  • Hospitalisation Medical Insurance: SGD 5 – 8
  • Telecommunications: SGD 30 – 50
  • Personal expenses: SGD 100 – 200

Students Visa or Work Permit

After receiving acceptance from your dream university, you can apply for a student pass or a visa. An important thing to note is that the acceptance letter is valid only for two weeks, so the visa or pass application has to made after you gain the letter.

You should apply for the visa at the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority of Singapore. One can make the application online through the SOLAR (Student’s Pass Online Application and Registration) system.

Applying for a visa will require a cost. The processing fee is USD 30 or INR 1,131.53. There is also an additional issuance fee. You will be required to pay USD 60 or INR 2,262.91.

Having English proficiency is a must. You need to have a TOEFL or IELTS certificate to demonstrate your English language skill. 

  • Study in Singapore

Scholarships for international students

Singapore is a country known for its academic excellence, and it has courses on offer that are affordable. The Ministry of Education (MOE) also provides financial aid to international students studying in Singapore. Some universities comply with the need-blind or merit-based admissions norms. Every deserving student who has an excellent academic record potential is granted admissions, regardless of his/her financial difficulties, under need-blind admissions criteria.

You can apply for scholarships at the following institutes in Singapore

  1. National University of Singapore
  2. Nanyang Technological University
  3. Singapore University of Technology and Design
  4. University of Chicago Booth School of Business – Asia Campus

This was a guide on undertaking education in Singapore if you are an Indian.

Furthermore, we hope we could resolve any queries you would have had in mind about opportunities to study in Singapore for Indian students.

Good luck!

At ForeignAdmits, we understand how important this decision is. We are here to help you every step of the way, from finding the right school to getting admitted and securing scholarships.
We have a team of experienced counselors who can provide you with customized guidance based on your individual needscontact us today to get started. We look forward to helping you achieve your educational and career goals!

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