How to get a job at UNESCO?

How to get a job at UNESCO?


UNESCO has a wide range of labor relations with various agencies from governments to universities. With a variety of HR programs, you will be able to collaborate with UNESCO on various programs and projects and expand your horizons in a multicultural work environment around the world. Also, this blog post is going to discuss about how to get a job at UNESCO.

In 1945, UNESCO was established in response to the conviction of the nations, formed by two world wars in less than a century, that political and economic alliances were not enough to bring lasting peace. Peace should be established based on moral unity and human wisdom. UNESCO strives to build networks among nations that allow for this kind of unity, by Educational promotion: so that every child, boy or girl, has access to quality education as a basic human right and as a basic need for human development.

Creating cultural cohesion: by protecting values ​​and supporting cultural diversity. UNESCO has created a World Heritage Vision to protect the world’s most valuable heritage sites. Pursuing scientific cooperation: such as early tsunami warning systems or cross-border water management agreements, to strengthen inter-ethnic relations. Defending freedom of speech: the essential condition of democracy, development and human dignity.


Today, the UNESCO mission has never been more important. We must develop comprehensive policies that can address the social, environmental, and economic conditions of sustainable development. This new concept of sustainable development reaffirms the founding principles of the Organization and enhances its role: In a globalized world with interconnected societies, cultural dialogue is essential if we are to live together while recognizing our diversity.

In an uncertain world, the future of nations depends not only on economic resources or natural resources but also on their combined ability to understand and anticipate changes in the environment – through education, scientific research, and information sharing. Unstable country – marked by emerging democratic institutions, the emergence of new economic powers and societies weakened by many oppressive factors – the educational, scientific, and cultural background – and respect for fundamental rights – ensures its resilience and sustainability.

An interconnected world – with the emergence of the arts economy and knowledge societies, and the domination of the Internet, full participation by all in the new community is a necessity for peace and development. UNESCO is known as the “intelligence” agency of the United Nations. At a time when the world is looking for new ways to build lasting peace and development, people must rely on the power of intelligence to innovate, expand their horizons and strengthen the hope of new humanism. UNESCO exists to live up to this creative wisdom; because it is in the minds of men and women that the protection of peace and the conditions for sustainable development must be built.

Working at UNESCO

UNESCO has a worldwide presence of 53 Stadiums and Institutions Offices, with its headquarters in Paris. More than 2000 employees of about 170 nations are currently working for the Society.

Can I work for UNESCO?

UNESCO offers three levels of work: Junior Junior Officer (JPO), Professional, and General Service. Each level requires a similar but different set of skills. For those with less work experience under the age of 32, you will probably need to apply at the JPO level.

What is the mission of UNESCO?

UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development, and cultural dialogue through education, science, culture, communication, and information.

What kind of jobs does UNESCO offer?

UNESCO offers three levels of work: Junior Junior Officer (JPO), Professional, and General Service. Each level requires a similar but different set of skills. For those with less work experience under the age of 32, you will probably need to apply at the JPO level. At this level, experience requirements are very low, allowing young and newly qualified professionals to start their careers. At the Professional level, UNESCO offers several categories of work, each of which requires different levels of professional knowledge. In addition to the skills required by a real job, you will want to make sure that the category is appropriate for your level of experience. The General Service team also consists of different job categories, all within the administrative/technical / clergy fields. Each category has different requirements for skills and knowledge, so be sure to check that yours is the same or closed before applying.

How do stand out from your application?

Most UNESCO job applicants will be well qualified for the job, just like you. Find ways to categorize your application using any unique or unusual skills and knowledge you may have that may be relevant to the job. If you do not have something that you think is outstanding, think carefully about the knowledge and training you have so that you can talk about it in a way that shows that your knowledge is different from all other trained people. Do not let your application be lost to the sea of ​​all other applicants with similar backgrounds and interests.

Use you contacts

As you begin your UNESCO application, contact your human rights network and development experts to see if there is anyone with a link that can help with your entire process. You can find someone who can help you navigate the application process. You may even get in touch with UNESCO itself who is committed to supporting your knowledge and reputation with employers. Especially if you have a network of experienced professionals, use them to your advantage to help you make your application stronger, make sure you stand out among the other candidates.

The UNESCO Staffing Procedure for Professional and General Service staff is as follows:

Applying for a job For professional jobs, you usually have two months to apply once the job is advertised online. By General Service post, you usually have one month. After completing your request, you will receive a confirmation email. Testing After the closing date, the Committee will nominate candidates based on their qualifications, knowledge and skills (including language), as well as other relevant information and skills required for a particular position. Conversations Nominees will be invited for an interview (telephone interviews may be held in advance for the first test). A reference test will also be performed based on your previous work experience. Testing The panel will perform a final test to see if your profile is compatible with the function. The decision The nomination will be made to the winner of the election.

Young Professionals

The Young Professionals (YP) program provides an opportunity for young university graduates and qualified young professionals under the age of 32 to apply from UNESCO member states and non-representative countries at the beginning of their professional careers.

Application and hiring process

If you are interested and eligible to apply for the Junior Professional Program you should contact your National Commission or Permanent Mission.

The application process is as follows:

1. Every year the UNESCO Bureau of Human Resources Management (HRM) applies to the National Commissioners and Permanent Ambassadors of the Member States that are not represented or not represented at all. Each National Commission is responsible for disseminating this information and prior appointments at the national level

2. Candidates submit their applications to the National Commission or the Standing Committee of their country of nationality. UNESCO does not accept applications submitted directly to the Organization. National Commissions and Permanent Representatives review all applications to ensure that profiles comply with the required qualifications. They then submit a list of 12 shortlisted applicants to the UNESCO Bureau of Human Resources Management.

3. All applications are reviewed by a committee that will establish a shortlist based on it.

4. Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend an interview at UNESCO Headquarters (Paris). Interviews allow candidates to demonstrate their communication skills, team spirit, analytical skills, a sense of action, creativity, flexibility, and flexibility.

5. The panel will conduct a final assessment based on applicants’ technical knowledge of education, science, culture, communication, knowledge, or management. In addition to the interviews, language tests were performed to determine the technical level of the working languages ​​of UNESCO (English and French).

6. UNESCO will send a letter of nomination. On the other hand, UNESCO will inform interested National Commissions and Permanent Ambassadors.

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