Why should you study in Ireland?

Why should you study in Ireland?

Ireland is known for its rich history and natural beauty. Apart from all this Ireland is also a great place to study because of its excellent job opportunities after graduation and post-graduation. Therefore, in this blog, we have tried to answer all the questions you have as to why should one study in Ireland.

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Diverse programmes

34 higher education institutions in Ireland offer an extensive range of over 5000 programmes leading to internationally recognised, quality assured qualifications. Therefore, International students can choose to meet their educational needs in highly respected business schools, centres of scientific and technology excellence as well as renowned language, humanities and arts faculties.

Quality of education

Each and every university in Ireland is ranked in the top 5% globally. In addition to that Ireland’s higher education system is in the top 20 worldwide. Studying in Ireland would ensure that you have access to its longstanding reputation for high-quality education and commitment to excellence

Post-study work visas

Ireland allows scholars to work after they have completed their masters. You can avail your visa on a 1+2 basis. This means you can complete your masters and get a degree in one year. After you complete your masters you are eligible to live in Ireland for two more years so that you can find a job for yourself.

Fees and scholarships to study in Ireland

The universities in Ireland charge a reasonable fee which can go as low as 8 lakhs for your masters. There are 100+ scholarships available for international students who come from different nationalities. In addition, these scholarships come from a wide variety of sources such as the Government of Ireland, the Irish higher education institutions, and other organisations. These are awarded entirely at the consideration of individual institutions that set down their own criteria for eligibility.

Part-time job

As an international student, you can work for 20 hours per week and in summers 40 hours per week. The standard rate for a job is 10 euros each hour. Doing a part-time job along with studying will help you manage your expenses well. Above all, it will be easy for you to find jobs in major cities and towns like Dublin, Cork, and Galway. The country has a skills shortage in specific industries as well, which can help you choose your program wisely. Some of the sectors are:

  • Business and Finance
  • Engineering
  • IT
  • Healthcare
  • Hospitality
  • Transport and Logistics
  • CHoose the right country to study abroad

City life when you study in Ireland

The Irish people are famous for their great hospitality and their even greater zest for life. In addition to that, Ireland has a young and energetic population, with 40% of the residents under the age of 25; Ireland is one of the most exciting places in the world to be as a student.

Of all the countries, Ireland gives an affordable education without compromising the quality of your course. If you are thinking to go and study abroad, Ireland can surely be on your list. You can visit Career Counseling and Abroad Studies Guidance Platform | Foreign Admits and get any further guidance you are looking for.